
Muara Karang ORF Infrastructure Maintenance

Jakarta - To improve the reliability of Muara Karang ORF (Onshore Receiving Facility) operations managed by PT Nusantara Ragas, IKG together with PT Patra Drilling Contractor (PDC) carried out maintenance work on Muara Karang ORF infrastructure in August-October 2021.

Considering that the Muara Karang ORF is an active Pertamina facility, the work is carried out with high standards of safety and security. The entire work process is well documented and every work process is carried out under strict supervision by Pertamina.

"We are proud to carry out this work considering that the Muara Karang ORF is one of the important facilities to support gas distribution, which is mainly used for the Muara Karang power plant," said Bayu Indarta, Director of IKG.

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